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PMC Module 5 Mathematical Exercises (Part 1) Solved assignment |Early Childhood (3-6) | Pakistan Montessori Council | SB Online Academy





PMC Module 5 Mathematical Exercises (Part 1)  Solved assignment |Early Childhood (3-6)  | Pakistan Montessori Council | SB Online Academy 

PMC Module 5 Mathematical Exercises (Part 1)  Solved assignment
PMC Module 5 Mathematical Exercises (Part 1)  Solved assignment 

Assignment Module 5

Write answers in your own words. Your answers should be at least 2 typed pages or 3 handwritten pages. Please don’t forget to write your name and roll number on each page of the assignment.

Q1: How would you teach numbers 0 to 10 to a child according to Montessori Method? Explain all the exercises in this group briefly in your own words.


          Answer No 1

Number Rods: There are 10 wooden rods varying in length from 1 decimeter (10 centimeters)  to 1 meter (100 centimeter). Each decimeter is painted in red and blue colour section. The shortest rod that is 1 decimeter is red. Second rod which is 2 decimeter long , is colored red and blue, and so on.

·         Exercise 1:  Introduction to rods:

Material: 10 number  rods and a floor mat.

Presentation: The directress starts by reminding children the use of the long rods. She then informs them that there are rods similar to long rods save for the fact that they are red and blue in colour. She then encourages the children to arrange the rods in similar way as the long rods with red ends on the left and evenly lined.

·         Exercise 2: Learning to count from 1 to 10:

Material: 10 number rods and a floor mat.

Presentation: The directress takes the first three rods and points to the first rod and says ”This is the rod of one.”  She repeats for emphasis and does the same for the other two rods as well by calling them by their respective numerical names. She proceeds by carrying out Period 2 and 3 of the Three Period Lesson to familiarize children with the numbers, after which she carries on by processing to 4 and so on until all 10 numbers are attempted.

·         Exercise 3: Sandpaper Numbers:

Material: Numbers from 0 to 9 , cut out of the finest grade sandpaper and mounted on wooden or acrylic green cards. (Number “0” is skipped in this exercise and presented after working with  the Spindle Boxes)

Presentation: The teachers begin by sensitizing fingers and introducing the children to the material. She then takes out Number 1,  traces it with her fingers and pronounce it as being “One” , asking the child to repeat after her. She repeats this exercise for number 2 and 3, moving on to doing Three Period Lesson for them before progressing towards the rest of the numbers.

·         Exercise 4: The Number Rods and the Numerals:

Material: The number rods, a set of white  or acrylic cards with numbers from 1 to 10 and a floor mat.

Presentation: The directress starts off  by placing the Number Rods as well as the cards onto the mat. She then points at a red rod and ask the child to pronounce it’s numerical name as well as bring over the relevant number card and place it next to it. She repeats until the exercise has been repeated for all the rods and numbers.

·         Exercise 5: The Spindle Boxes:

Material: A wooden box with ten compartments. At the back of each compartment is painted a number in black, starting  from 0 up to 9, as well as 45 wooden spindles.

Presentation: The directress introduces the materials to the child. She points at the compartments as well as the numbers each and asks the child to name the numbers. She explain to the child that these numbers will tell us how many spindles to put into the box. She starts this part of the exercise by pointing to the number “1” and having the child read it out loud and then ask him to put “1” spindle in the box. She repeats for all the numbers, at the end of which, she points at compartment “0” and says “This is Zero. Zero means nothing, that’s why  there is nothing  in this compartment.”

·         Exercise 6: Number Cards and Counters:

Material: Number cards with numbers from 1 to 10 and 55 counters of same colour and size.

Presentation: The  directress shows different cards to the children and has them say the numbers aloud. She places the number 1 card to the left side and the number 10 card to the right side of the table. She asks the child to put the other cards in order. She tell the child that he is going to put the number of counters under the corresponding card. For card 2, she ask to place the counters next to each other.  For card 3, She ask to put two counters next to each other but place the last counter under and to the middle of the two counters. She makes sure that the child  place the rest of the counters in a similar way as she has shown. The exercise continues until all of the counters have been placed. She then runs her finger through the counters that are laid, places her index finger above the first counter under  card 1 and tries to runs it down. When the finger hits the counter she says ‘odd”. She repeats for the counter 2 and after running  her finger through the two counters, she says “even” . She repeats it for the rest of the numbers.

After finishing the first period, she then asks the child to show her the odd  and even number.

These exercises help reinforce the concept  that each number is made up of different quantities and all  this learning will serve as a strong base for further mathematics in their academia.    


Q2; What do you know about  the decimal system? How would you enable children to count any quantity and identify numerals till 9999?


          Answer No 2

The Decimal System:

The decimal system is a numeral system which organizes and classifies numerical quantities into different hierarchies of units. And lays a strong foundation for all future math. It is introduced to the children  when they have mastered counting from 1 to 10, and can recognize the properties of zero as well as the number 1 to 9. The child is given the total decimal system in a clear and simple manner with real materials that illustrates the difference between one unit and one thousand etc. The Montessori approach uses the decimal system  materials to introduce addition, multiplication, subtraction and division as well . The children learn the operations using numbers in thousands, but  it is easy for them because of the concrete objects and order of the lessons. They are learning place value from a very early age, but it is in simple intervals that makes  it approachable.

Geometrical entities are used by Montessori as Material abstractions for the decimal system of numeration.


·         A single golden bead.

·         A ten bar.

·         A hundred square.

·         A thousand cube.

·         Table mat.

1 golden bead is a ‘unit /point’

10 golden beads make a ‘bar of ten’

10 bars of 10 make ‘hundred square’

10 hundred squares make a ‘thousand cube’


Exercise: This should preferably be done as group exercise. The directress should bring the to a pre-set table or mat with the assistance of a child and lay it out  in the correct order.  The children are made to stand  in front of the table so the material is facing them while the directress stands in the back. She  should begin  with only one hierarchy  until the children are comfortable with  it and can do it with ease. She puts a quantity on the tray, for example, four hundred squares, shows it to the children group and asks, “Who can count how much this is?”  Once a child has answered  correctly, put the material back onto the table, and continue by putting another quantity in the same way as earlier. When the children can count quantities from  one hierarchy easily, use quantities from two hierarchies, for example, put 4 thousands and 7 hundreds in the tray ask a child to count it . Continue the exercise until the children can count any quantity up to 9999.

Q3: Explain addition and multiplication exercises in your own words?


         Answer No 3

ADDITION: Addition is the mathematic operation in which smaller quantities (addends) are put together to make a larger quantities (the sum). There are two types of addition.

1.      Addition Without Exchanging:


·         Golden beads Bank

·         1 set of Large Number Cards

·         3 sets of Small Numbers Cards

·         3 trays and small containers for carrying units.

·         A floor mat.

Exercise: First the directress invites few group of  children to come and work with her, starting  with laying down a mat and gathering the material on it. One child lays out the large cards while  another lays out the beads. The children place  small mats  between the two  large mats  and set up their set of small cards similar to how they setup the large cards,  

Arrange the bank of Golden Beads Material in proper sequence on a green felt mat on a table in correct order. Think of quantities to be added and write each quantity  on a separates slip of paper e.g. 1345+2234.  Hand over each slip to a child asking them to build their number with small number  cards. When children built their numbers with small numbers cards take the slip back and  ask them  to go to the bank and bring the quantity of beads according to their numbers. Once they have confirm that they have brought right number of  beads. Take  the small number 

cards of first child and placed  them out on the mat. Then ask the child to place the  bead material under the numbers correctly. Repeat the  same  with the second children. Take the first set of numbers  (1345) and place aside. Take the second set of numbers (2234) and place  under the first  set as  if composing an addition equation. Introduce the addition sign “+” drawn on a square piece of cardboard and place beside the equation. Place a ruler  or a strip of  paper under the number to make  a complete addition equation. Put both sets of material together. Ask one child to count the units and bring the appropriate number from large number cards. Place the unit card under the equation. And do so on for the tens, hundreds and thousands also.  Finally tell the children ,” We started with 2234. We added 1345 and our answer is 3579.”  Or can say  you have added two small numbers and made one larger number. At the end record show the children hw to record  the answer.

1.      Addition With Exchange:

The presentation begins exactly  as in addition  without exchanging but have the children  take cards for  problem  where they will have to carry over. These numbers could be, 3567+ 2787+ 1345.

Exercise: Repeat  all the steps unto the point of  placement of units, tens, hundred and thousands to the side of the directress tray. When the first child counts the units and reaches 10, point this out and have him exchange  ten units for a ten bar. Have him count the rest of the units and then go get the card for that amount. Repeat for the tens, hundreds and thousands changing when needed. Finish the exercise as for Addition Without  Exchanging.


MULTIPLICATION: Multiplication means adding the same number again and again. It can be introduced at any time after children have learned addition.

Exercise: This exercise should be done in a group format. Gather the children and arrange all the relevant material just  as done for addition exercise. Select any quantity to multiply and write it on a piece of paper as many times as  we want to multiply the respective number. The  quantity  selected should be such that the sum of their product  does not exceed 9999 and does not involve exchanging, for example 2121 three times. Pass one slip to each child and instruct  them to place it on the tray  upside down and not to show their number with small number cards.

Once they have build their numbers with small cards, retrieve the slip from them and ask the children to  go  and bring the quantity of  beads that corresponds to their respective numbers. After making sure  the children have brought the correct number of beads, take the small number cards of the first child and place on the mat. Then ask that children to take the bead material and place correctly under the numbers, repeating the same with the other two quantities. Place the small number cards aside, place the addition sign “+” beside and place  a ruler underneath to make all the numbers look like an equation. The material is then added into each other, making sure that units, tens, hundreds and thousands stay inn their  respective hierarchies.

Invite one child to start counting  the beads beginning  with the units. When the units are added together  if the number is more than 10, the children are reminded that they can exchange the 10 units beads with the ten bar at the bank. This ten bar is placed  on the top of “ten “ column . When there are less than 10 units left, the child is asked to brig the corresponding large number card and placed it under the equation. Repeat the same for tens, hundreds and thousands also

Tell the children, “2121 three times is  equal to 6363. When we added the same number over and over  again  this is called multiplication.” Or can say  that you have  multiply a smaller number  and made one larger number. At the end, show the children how to record the answer.

Q4: Explain how would you give the concept of subtraction and  division?


          Answer No 4

SUBTRACTION:  Subtraction means taking away smaller quantities from a larger quantity. Large quantities are referred to as “minuend” and smaller quantities  as “subtrahends”. The subtrahends are smaller than  minuend and finding the difference between them is called subtraction.

Ø  Subtraction Without Exchanging:


·         3  sets of small number cards

·         1 set of  large number cards

·         3 trays and 3 bowls for units beads

·         A large tray with an extra bowl

Presentation:  This is a group exercise. The teacher writes the minuend and the subtrahend on two separate paper slips. She gives the minuend to the children and ask them  to built it using  large cards and brings the beads for the quantity. She places the beads with their corresponding  numbers on the mat . Then she gives them  the subtrahend slip, asking them to build the numbers using small number cards and then to take the beads quantity to the equal to the subtrahend away from the minuend  beads and place them in their  tray, She places the subtrahend number cards under the minuend, places a ruler underneath, introduces the subtraction sign “_”  and places it beside the number cards. She starts counting the remaining beads quantity starting from units and placing a small number card under the corresponding numeral. She explains that they started  with a larger number, took away a small number, that is “subtracted” to get our answer.

Ø  Subtraction With Exchanging:

Material: Same as addition.

Presentation: Material is arranged in the same way  as in the exercise above. The directress writes the minuend and the Subtrahend on two slips, 4755 and 3888. Minuend slip is given to one child, small number cards are built and beads are placed with the numbers. Subtrahend number slip  is given to the other child and numbers are built.  The directress asked the second child to take away the beads quantity equivalent to the subtrahend from the minuend beads. The child will realize  that the subtrahend unit number is larger than the minuend. The directress will suggest exchanging ten unit beads with a bar of  ten, he will have twelve beads from which he can take away three. It will go with tens  where available beads two as he has already exchanged while he needs four. The teacher will again suggest exchanging tens bar of ten with a square of hundred whereby he will be left with twelve from which he will take away four and so on. Finally, all the beads are counted and children place the corresponding number card as answers.


DIVISION: Division is spitting a quantity into equal parts or groups. There are two values in a division sum:

a.      Quantity to be divided (dividend)

b.      The number by which another number is to be divided (divisor)


Ø  Division Without Exchanging:


·         Golden Beads Bank

·         1 set of Large Number Cards

·         2 to 3 sets of Small Number Cards

·         3 trays and containers for carrying units

·         A floor mat

Presentation:  It is a group exercise. The directress will work with as many children to do the division as the divisor, for example  two children  if the divisor is 2 , three if the divisor is three . She will write a dividend on a paper slip  e.g. 4266, hand it over to a child and ask  him to  build the number  with large number cards and brings the corresponding beads quantity. She tells the children that she will divide the quantity between  them. She place an equal amount of  beads starting from thousand cubes, then hundred square, tens bar and units beads into their trays. She ask hem to build their numbers with small number cards. They both write 2133. She takes the small cards from one tray and places them over  the large number cards, as she tells the children  that by dividing 4266 between 2 children , each get 2133 and nothing is left over.

Ø  Division With Exchanging:

Material:  As for  ‘Division without Exchanging’

Presentation: The directress and two children for the exercise. She will think of a dividend and a divisor, so that the sum involves exchanging e.g. 7654/ 2. She will write the dividend on a paper slip, give it to the child and ask him to build  the number using large number cards and brings the beads quantity. She will  then place the   material and large number cards on the floor mat, as she tells the children that  she has 7654 and divide it between both children . She will start the division from  a thousand cubes, giving two cubes two each child making the each children realize that one thousand  is left. She will ask them about what they should do next and wait for their reply. A child will suggest  exchanging it with ten hundred square. By doing so,  she gets 16 hundred squares which she will  equally divide  between them. She will repeats it with tens and units. When the quantity is equally divided, she will ask the children  to build their numbers using small number cards. Each child has 3827. She takes the small cards and says that when she divided 7654 between two children , each got 3827 and nothing is left.

Ø  Division With Remainder:

Material: As for ‘Division Without Exchanging’

Presentation:  The directress thinks of a division sum that will  leave a reminder, 457/ 3. She  writes a dividend on a paper slip and hands it over to a child, asking him to build the number using  large number cards an bring the beads quantity. She then arranges it onto the mat. She tells the children that that she is going to divide 457 equally among three children. She starts with the hundred squares where 1 hundred is left. She exchange it with ten bars and then divides 15  tens among them. Each child gets 5 bars of tens and finally, she starts dividing the 7 beads unit. Each  child gets 2 unit beads where 1 unit is left. She explains that she does not have enough units for everyone , and this be called a “remainder” . She  then ask the child to build their amount using small number cards and each will have 152. She takes the small number cards from the tray, put them above the dividend and says that she had 457, which she divided equally among three children so each child got 152, while 1 was a reminder. The directress can reinforce the terms, dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder as many times as she deems appropriate.

Q5: What are teens and tens boards? Explain their purpose and usage. 

          Answer No 5

Teens and tens boards teach the child the number names, symbols and sequence from 10 to 99. They are ideal for use with Montessori beads. Teens boards have two wooden  boards  with 9 number slots each labeled with 10 and the child counts up sliding  the wooden digit cards 1 to 9 into these slots. The numbers 11 to 19 are particularly difficult for a child to learn as their names are more complicated than those of the rest of the number system. The teens board helps to develop a true understanding  of how these numbers are formed from a ten and unit, and thus teaches the foundation of the  decimal system. Tens wooden boards have 9 number  slots of 10 to 90 and the child counts up sliding the wooden digit cards 1 to 9 into these slots.

There are three groups of names:

1.      Names for a combination of  a ten and units 1 to 9, these are ‘teens’

2.      Names for a group of ten: 10, 20, 30 etc

3.      Names for figures from the tens category and a unit, these help with linear counting 11-99 teens(beads only).


Ø  Coloured Beads Stair:


·         A small felt cloth on a working mat.

·         9 bars of ten Golden Beads representing the units 1-9 and box for each of these. Each quantity is distinguished by a different colour:

1.      Red

2.      Green

3.      Pink

4.      Yellow

5.      Light blue

6.      Grey or violet

7.      White

8.       Brown

9.      Dark blue

Presentation: Show the material to the child, removing one bead bar at a time ask the child to identify the numbers of beads in each bar at random, make reference to the colour and provide a three period lesson if necessary. Sort the beads bars into an isosceles triangle, known as a Bead stair.

Three Period Lesson:

First Period:  Take the bar of  ten and  place the unit to the right of it, adjacent to the first bead. Count the beads and say, “ One ten and one unit are called ‘eleven’. Repeat the sequence for ‘twelve’ and ‘thirteen’.

Second Period: Mix all the previously introduced beads bar  and invite the child to make the numbers, continue mixing to maintain the child’s interest.

Third Period: Make a quantity and ask the child to name it . Begin each subsequent three Period Lesson counting up from eleven.

Ø  11-19 Teens Board (cards only)

Material Description:

·         Two wooden slated boards with five partitions each, on nine of the partitions a large 10 is written in black, the last partition is empty.

·         Unit wooden cards with the digits 1 to 9 which slide into the boards from the right, covering the “0’.

·         A mat

Presentation: Place the board on the working mat and the cards at random nearby and give the symbols in a Three Period Lesson.

First period: Slip the ‘1’ over the first ten, saying, “This is eleven”, do the same with ‘twelve’ and “thirteen”.

Second period: Ask the child to identify previously introduced numbers by moving the cards and mixing them , ask the child to make a number using the cards and boards.

Third Period: Make a number with the cards and ask the child to identify it. Continue till 19 on the same day or later, depending on the child. When complete ask the child to count forwards and backwards.

Direct Aim: To introduce the child to the symbols for the numbers 11 to 19 and to continue to associate their names.

Ø  Boards and Beads:


·         Short Beads Stair

·         9 bars of tens  in a box

·         Teen Boards

·         A mat

Presentation: Lay out the boards on the mat, with the cards placed at random to the right, and the beads, in a Beads Stair, to the left , the tens in their box. Place a ‘bar of ten’ and a bead to form eleven to the left of the top section of the board and slip the card of ‘1’ over the ‘0’  to form the figure ‘11’. Place a ‘bar of ten’ and two beads to form twelve to the left of the top section of the board and slip the card of ‘2’ over the  ‘0’ to form the figure ‘12’. Let the child continue till reaches 19. When  she completes ask her to count forward and backwards.

Direct Aim: Continued association of the  quantity, name and symbol for 11 to 19, to rein force the sequence 11 to 19.

Ø  11-99 Tens Boards and Beads:

Material Description:

·         Two wooden slated boards with 5 partition each , on nine of the partitions are the tens numbers 10, 20, etc, the last partition is empty, later use  

·         Large cards.

·         Units wooden cards with the digits 1 to 9 which slide into the boards from the right, the  ‘0’.

·         45 bars of tens in a box

·         A mat

Presentation: Layout the boards on the working mat, place the boxes with the beads to the left. Place one bar of ten . Indicate “20”  beneath and the child names however  she likes, say, “Twenty also means two tens”, continue this till reach 90”. Give a Three Period Lesson for any of the names the child is unfamiliar with.

Direct Aim:

·         To learn the conventional names of the tens from 10 to 90.

·         To realize how the numbers progress from one ten to the next and to see the pattern in making and counting numbers up to 99.

Ø  11-99 Teens  Boards and Beads:

Material : Same as above mentioned.

Presentation: This activity helps the child to count from 11 to 99. Keep the sets of cards in a stack and the beads together to the left of the boards. To write ‘11’, place a ‘bar of ten’ and a nit to the left of the boards and slot in the card of ‘1’ over the ‘0’ , then add another bead to make ‘12’ and replace the ‘1’ card with the ‘2’ card. Continue to 19, say , “if we had one more bead we 
would get a ten ( indicate the unit bead) so we would have tens, two tens are also called twenty. Put  two ‘bar of tens’ together by the second partition and change the cards of the one above. Continue to 99, composing the words verbally, in beads and symbols.

Direct Aim:

·         To learn the conventional names of the tens from 10 to 90

·         To realize how the numbers progress from one ten to the next and to see the pattern in making and counting numbers up to 99. 

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