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PMC Module 7 Mathematical Exercises (Part 2) Solved assignment |Early Childhood (3-6) | Pakistan Montessori Council | SB Online Academy


DK-1863                           SHAHER BANO

PMC Module 7 Mathematical Exercises (Part 2) Solved assignment |Early Childhood (3-6)  | Pakistan Montessori Council | SB Online Academy 

PMC Module 7 Mathematical Exercises (Part 2) Solved assignment
PMC Module 7 Mathematical Exercises (Part 2) Solved assignment

Assignment Module 7

      Write answers in your own words. Your answers should be at least 2 typed pages or 3 handwritten pages. Please don’t forget to write your name and roll number on each page of the assignment.

Q1: Explain different groups of  Montessori  Math exercises and how the directress should efficiently present exercises through sequential and parallel work in various groups.


                    Answer No 1

Montessori mathematical exercises are normally grouped into the  following groups:

1.      Number through Ten

2.      Decimal System

3.      Counting beyond Ten (Linear & Skip Counting)

4.      Memorization of  Arithmetic Tables

5.      Passage of Abstractions

6.      Fractions


There are some sequential work and some parallel work in these arithmetic grouped exercises which tells that how the directress should work efficiently  through different groups.


·         Numbers Through Ten:

 The exercises in this group are sequential. When the child has a full understanding of numbers through Ten (numbers  rods, sand paper, spindle boxes, card and counters, golden beads bar and coloured beads bar). In this group, the child builds the basic concept of numbers and also recognize the relationship between quantity and numerals.

·         Decimal System:

The decimal system can be introduced when the child has a full understanding of numbers through ten. The focus here is on the hierarchy of the decimal system and how the system functions. It also starts the child on the exercises of simple arithmetic operations such as addition, multiplication, subtraction and division.  They are introduced at this level.

·         Counting beyond Ten:

This group will be started when the decimal system is well  underway. After that , these exercises will be given parallel to the counting of the decimal system . In this group counting beyond the ten includes the Teens, Tens and linear and skip counting.

·         Memorization of Arithmetic Tables:

The exercises in this group can be  introduced while the later work of  the Decimal System and Linear and Skip Counting exercises are on going.

·         Passage to Abstraction:

In this group exercises  allow the child to stop the  use of Montessori material and work on paper. As soon as the child is well familiar with tables of a mathematical operations such as addition. He may move ahead into the abstraction phase of that operation while learning  the tables of other operations and can begin to work more with the symbols on paper, without using  the material to find the answer.

·         Fraction:

The sixth group exercises can run parallel  to the group of making  abstractions and the early work with the fractions can begin with sensorial work.



Q2: Explain the exercises which enable the child to count till 1000?


                   Answer No2

Linear  counting exercises help the child learn to count  till 1000, along with getting familiar with the decimal system relationships,  including the concept of  squares and cubes of numbers.

 Linear counting is presented in two stages. In the first stage the child  learns to count till 100, and in the second stage he masters counting till 1000.

This helps  consolidate  children’s knowledge of counting . Up until now, they have worked with tens and hundreds in the decimal system , However   with these exercises , the y now become familiar  with the sequence of numbers  from 1  through to 1000. Counting is a monotonous activity  and tends to become mechanical over time. Through repetition, children instinctively adopt this mechanism  of counting.

Ø  Presentation  1:


·          The hundred  chain (which is made up of 10 bars of ten connected to each other.)

·         The hundred square

       ·     Small containers with the following arrow tickets

1.      Green  label marked 1-9 

1.      Blue  label marked 10-90

2.      A red label marked 100

·         A runner or large sized mat


Exercise:  The children are invited to the chain cabinet  and shown the bars on the shelves to discuss if they have seen  bars like these before. The directress starts by counting with them  starting from the unit  to the 10 bar and unrolling the runner just a little. She knows them how  to hold the 100 chain by  both ends and lay it out vertically at the bottom of the mat. The children  are made to place the tray below the hundred chain and slowly fold the chain together to create the  hundred square, emphasizing that it looks like  the hundred square. The hundred square is placed on  top of the folded 100  chain to show that they are the same. The hundred square is removed and the chain gently re-straightened.


The directress takes out the green unit tickets and tells the  children what they are called. They are lined  in a vertical line to the left of the 10 chain. The children are then shown the blue ten tickets  which are placed in a vertical line above the unit tickets. The first ten are labeled using the unit tickets and placed to the left of the chain.


Together they count from 11 to 20. At the 20 mark,  the ticket that says 20 is placed to its right Counting by units, as they continue  placing the ten  tickets until they reach 100. The children  are made to place the red 100 ticket to the  100. They are told , “you have just counted to 100”.

She asks, “How many beads are in this chain?” , they respond again with “100”.  All the tickets are then counted alongside the children : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100.

Then counted backwards, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.

Ask the child  if he would like to count again  on his own, else have the child place the material at their appropriate  places.


Ø  Presentation 2:


·         A thousand chain consisting of  100 bars of ten

·         Ten squares of hundred

·         The thousand cube containers having below  tickets:

1.       Green ticket  marked 1 – 9

2.      Blue ticket marked 10- 90

3.      Red ticket marked 100-990

4.      Large green ticket marked 1000

·          A runner


Exercise:  The directress tells children that they are going  to be looking at an even  longer chain than the 100 chain now. She then  has them unroll the runner all the way  and hold the 1000 chain. She then carries the chain to the runner, with all of the strands laid out straight and has the children  bring over the cube and  the large box  on a tray  over to the runner along with the hundred squares. She tells them that they are going to try   to fold the chain  similar to how they did with the  100 chain. She makes a hundred  and asks the child what  she just make and places a hundred square next to it,  repeating until  the whole chain  has been folded into a hundred squares. The children can begin  to make  them independently after a while.


The directress then places  each of the hundred squares next to the hundred squares  she has made with the children, before placing the hundred squares  on top of the  hundred squares  made with them. She then counts with the children to see how many hundred squares there are in total. She continues to have the children place each hundred squares on top  of each  other now similar to how she did herself earlier, and then  iterates how  this now looks just like the cube, and that when we have 10 hundred squares, we know that we have 1000 beads.


Now she places  the cube next to the  ten hundred square  to show this to the children . She then  has them gently,  pull the 1000 chain straight and lay out all of the  tickets. Each bead is counted  and the correct ticket placed as  and when needed similar  to presentation 1. When the number 100 is reached, including the 1000 bead.


At the end of exercise, she looks at the world of children , going back to the beginning and counting, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, …………….., 400, 410, 420, …..980, 990, 1000.

Ask the child to count by tens backwards. When finished have the child to return all the material.

Q3: Print * Dot Game paper (from the link given below) and send three  solved problems , each carrying four addends?


                   Answer No 3

Q4: Explain the presentations of Multiplication Board and Division Board in your own words. Also make illustrations.



                 Answer No 4

Multiplication Board:

The purpose of multiplication bead board is to provide  training in multiplication leading to memorization of the important multiplication table 1 x 1  through 10 x 10. The box contains a  holed multiplication working, 100 holes in rows of ten arranged in a square, 100 red beads, a box of small plastic cards numbering 1-10 which represent the multiplicand and a red disc. The board has a slot on the left side for card insertion.


·         Multiplication Board.

·         A red disc

·         A set of cards from 1 to 10 to insert in the board

·         Printed multiplication table sheets.

·         Multiplication chart 1 ( summary of multiplication tables) for control of error

Exercise:  The directress shows children the material and the numbers along  the top of the  board and tells them  that those  numbers tell us how many times  to take a number. She also demonstrates how to slide the “6” card into  the slot on the side of the board,  as she tells them, “This tells us how we will be doing the Table of 6”. She then places the little red disc  above the 1 at the top of the board and says, “this tell us we need to take 6 one time.” Using the red beads, she places 6 one time in a vertical line and asks  the children to count the total numbers of beads that are on the  board and tells them, “6 x 1 is 6”.

The children are then instructed to write the answer on the  paper next to the equation. She then moves the disc over above the  ‘2’ and tells the children , “we now need 6 two times, but we have already 6 one times’. The children are told to place  the red beads in a vertical line next to the first six  and hen count  the total number of beads on the board. She then says, “6 x2 is 12”. The directress repeat it  till the children reach  6 x 6  and then  they are told  to say the equation along with the directress. This exercise should be repeated until they have finished the board.

The directress makes the children read all of the equation  and answers are written on piece of paper. They can check  their work on Multiplication Chart 1.


Division  Board:

Division Board helps the child practice the tables of division with the dividends 1 to 81 and the divisors 1 to 9 . The material consist of  a unit division working board, a board containing 9 green unit skittles and 81 green plastic beads.


·         Division board

·         Green Skittles (9)

·         Green beads (81)

·         Squared paper

·         Division tables

·         Summary of division tables up to 81

·         Printed slips with  division problems

·         A glass bowl

Exercise:  The directress shows children the material and the numbers along the top of the board and tells them that those  numbers represent the divisors. Place a skittle  below number 1 on the board and say, “This represent that the divisor is 1”. Then take another skittle  and place below number two saying, “This means that the divisor is 2”. Repeat adding a few  more skittles. Also tell him that the numbers on the left side  will be the answer (quotient).  Pointing to the last number  also tells that the answer cannot be larger than 9. Also tell him that the remainder at the end  of division cannot be equal  to or larger than the divisor. Choose a division table  i .e. 27. Ask  to the children the  dividend their answer should be 27. Tells them  dividend is represented by green beads , count and place them in to the bowl. Also asks for the divisor  if there is 9 then place  skittles below the numbers 1 to 9 on the top of the board.

Place the beads in  the holes first fill one row and then  continue placing the second row. Continue until all the beads finish. Count the filled rows answer will be 3 . pointing to 3 along the left side of the board says,”27 / 9 equals 3” and records the answer.

Remove the  skittle 9 and saying ‘Let’s try with 27 / 8). Repeat the same  exercise with 8 as   mentioned  above. With 9 . This will give 3 rows completely filled with numbers till 8, while the fourth row   will be incomplete with only three beads. Says, “This is the remainder”. Pointing to the beads , the skittles and the numbers on the left  of the board, say, “27 divided by 8 equals 3 with 3 remainder. Record the answer.

Proceed with the other numbers . When you reach 27/2 , say, “ It will not possible on the board, as on  this board  we cannot have a  remainder which is bigger than the divisor”.  

Q5: How is Stamp Game introduced to the child ? Also explain how subtraction problems can be solved with stamp game.

Answer No 5

Stamp Game:

Stamp games provides further practice in addition, subtraction, multiplication and short division in decimal system. It also acquaints children with long division. Following items are included in Stamp Game Box.


·         Large quantities of wooden squares of equal size about 1 inch  square like stamp:

1.       Green tiles marked ‘1’

2.      Blue tiles marked ‘10’

3.      Red tiles marked ‘100’

4.      Green tiles marked ‘1000’

·         Green, Red and Blue Skittles

·         Green, Red and Blue circles

Introduction: The directress starts by inviting the children to come work with her and bring  along the paper, the box of wooden tiles and the tray from ‘introduction to quantity’. She introduces the materials to the child. She shows the children Green tile with the unit 1 written on it and tells them that this is the same as the unit bead. Similarly she  shows them the Blue tile with the unit 10 written on it  and tells them that it is similar to the ten bar. She continues to repeat this for the tiles of 100 and 1000.

The Three Period Lesson is also carried out with the 1, 10, 100  and 1000  tiles by showing children that when we take out the  unit 1 tiles, we place them directly in front of the compartment where the other 1’s are. They are told that they are going to take out 5. As they take out 5 of the unit  1 tiles, they are all placed in front of the unit 1 compartment. They are then placed back and the children are given  a few different numbers to be taken out , for example, 4 ten, 3 hundred and 1 thousands. They are then given a larger number and  tells “Now we are going to make a larger number. The number will have 2 units, 4 tens, 3 hundred and 1 thousand”. As they are given each number, have them take out appropriate tiles. The directress then counts to the check the final product and then has the children put the tiles back into their compartments.



·         The stamp game set

·         A pencil

·         Grid paper

·         A minus sign card

Exercise 1 ( Static Subtraction with Stamp Game): The children are invited  to come and work with the directress  who writes down on a paper two different numbers and introduces the subtraction sign. The children are instructed to construct the number first  and told that we are going to take the 3unit  from the 4 units constructed. Have them move 3 unit off to the left side of the table , count how many units are left and write the answer. Next, have them take 2 tens away from the 5  and move them off to the side of the table. Count and then  write how many tens are left. Repeat for the hundreds and thousands, Finally read the answer out loud with the children.

Exercise 2 (Dynamic Subtraction with Stamp Game):

The directress writes a first large number and a second number under it, making sure that  the number lead to dynamic  subtraction. She says  the  children create the first number, as she asks them how  many units are we going to take away. i. e. as the children stuck, she says that  we are going to have to change one of the tens for units, as she takes out  ten units and replace it with one of the tens tiles. She then has them take 3 units away from the now 12 units and places the unneeded tiles off to the side of the table. The directress says the child write how many units he has left. She then repeats for the tens, hundreds and thousands, changing as when needed. Read the answer and record it.

All this is repeated until children feel comfortable to work alone. Children should be encouraged  to pose their own problem examples and guided in the process. 

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